Saturday 27 August 2016

27 Cryptic Crosswords - Just plain good fun

For Blaugust this year I decided to publish a series of cryptic crossword posts.
I'm aiming for one a day.

Many of our friends over the years have said that cryptic crosswords don't make sense. They certainly do play with your mind, and that is why I take delight in them.  I love the surprising discovery inside a puzzle and the challenge of twisting the usual thought patterns and making them do something different.

So here is today's offering...

Sometimes I come across a crossword clue that I just really enjoy.
It's not special for any particular reason that I can see, but who can explain why your senose of humour is tickled by a particular clue?

Some special ones lately  have been

Small animal rescue vessel is key in the channel. (4) Advertiser 4/3/16
For a start this is such a short word it should be very easy and have a short clue-but it isn't and doesn't.
We started out looking for a small animal as the straight clue but couldn't think of one that fitted.
Eventually we came at it another way.
S = small (as in the size on clothing)
But this next bit is the bit I particularly loved...
Animal rescue vessel=Ark ( as in Noah's)
It turns out that Sark is an island in the Channel Islands (key =island)
Thus giving us a key in the channel.
We had to look up Sark to find out that it was an island.

Not a long shot to fail in trophy competition (5,2)  The Advertiser March 2016
Straight clue is "not a long shot"
Fail =lose
And you need to put this inside the trophy competition (=cup)
Answer is close up

I hope you enjoyed these as much as I did.

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