Tuesday 18 June 2019

17/6/19 - check xray (Czech Xray) and a bit of a walk

This morning Trevor had another Xray to check that everything was looking good. - and it is.
He will see the Dr again tomorrow and hopefully be allowed to discharge.

We remain unsure about what he will be allowed to do after discharge, so this is adding to frustration, but as each day passes we are feeling more positive about the chances of maybe rejoining our group and continuing on as able.

At this stage our planning is to spend a couple more days in Prague and then hopefully catch a train to Budapest (6.5 hours) and meet up again with our group. Getting bags on the train might be tricky. Buying tickets and getting them right might also be tricky.

If the Dr says that we cannot do this, then we will either stay in Prague longer or come home (if allowed) . When he spoke to Trevor early this morning he seemed to be saying he would prefer that he wait for a while before flying, but Trev isn't sure if that's what he said or not.

Negotiations with insurance continue. Negotiations with accommodation continue.
I spent a large chunk of this afternoon googling and then walking to check out air conditioned accommodation (a rarity in Prague) that will not break the bank in case we need to stay here.  This was a depressing venture to say the least. We have resolved to stay where we are if possible.
At least he will have a fan in the room when he comes home, which might help with the temperature.

Trev is getting more stir crazy in hospital and spending time gazing hopefully out of the window.
I confirmed today that the boat trip tickets we never got to use are still  valid and that we can use them in the next couple of days if he is up to it.  In the meantime he continues to heal and look better.

Yes , life as we know it continues with cryptic crosswords and cups of tea part of our ongoing routine, giving a comforting sense of some stability in a sea of questions and the unfamiliar.

I did a bit more walking today  - partly on my accommodation search and partly on the way home , when I tried to visit the old Jewish cemetery , but ended up finding instead a cache and some sort of preparation for Olympic event. (well, the red carpet and the signs anyway)

I have decided to make a separate blog entry  for entrances, windows and "under my feet" due to the interesting items that I continue to find. These are yet to come, In the meantime , here are some more glimpses of  Prague through my eyes.

a home care agency 

the promotion in the window involves dolls in bed and dressed as a nurse with hand drawn pictures saying that the nurses can give insulin, medications, wellness checks and BP monitoring!! A far cry from HSS publicity. 

I want quite sure what I would get when I ordered summer lemonade with my lunch.  This is cucumber tasting and very refreshing drink.  Perfect. 

beautiful building in the main square

an ambulance like the one Trev was transported in, parked out the front of the hospital. 
closed off entry with view into Jewish cemetery - very crowded in there. 
this appears to be the other way in to the cemetery.  Also locked up. 

entrance to the Jewish Museum
Beautiful decorative lamp column

Cruising on the river and a view of the local swan colony - this seems to be "their place" 

view of the castle and St Vitus cathedral up on the hill

I Was in the Jewish quarter.

Looks like a reception for Olympic team , but no action while I waited, so I went on my way. 

just a stamdard streetscape.

There is lots of scaffolding work going on as restoration work continues on the heritage listed  old buildings. I'm not sure how well it would stand up to OHS in Australia.

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