Wednesday 31 July 2019

Scott Creek walk 30/7/19

Hi all,

Trevor and I are back and we really enjoyed the walk yesterday.
Although Carol was unable to be there we really appreciated the effort that she had put in to prepare the walk and that Richard and Ellie were happy to lead it anyway.

It was a cool crisp morning and by the time we hit the first track the bottoms of our pants legs were wet (Beda's waterproof legs probably were too) .  Beda was wearing shorts as usual..
We only got a tiny fine sprinkle on us just before lunch (hardly noticeable).

We were very pleased to catch up with the other walkers after too long away. 
There were 16 walking.

We had only a few small back tracks to find better routes, (not surprising since Richard hadn't actually done this particular walk before)

I was keen to find orchids - we only saw one patch of greenhoods - but Doug pointed out lots of different orchid leaves on the route, and I have marked them on my map (mostly) so that I can come back some other time and look further.   I'm quite excited about this prospect as the orchid learning curve is quite steep for us at the moment,

I'm aware that trying to stop and look on a walk is not ideal, as it means I am constantly playing catch up at the back.  I try not to hold up the walkers too much .

It was good to share hot chocolate with the gang at Blackwood Golf Course afterwards too. Thanks all for your excellent company and thanks to Brian and Carol for making the effort to meet us for a cuppa and chat .

I've got a track of the 13km walk and a few photos here for your enjoyment. 

morning tea

old stone staircase

huge fungi

old camellia tree

drifts of scented beauty

the wattle was out

orchid leaves- mosquito?

lots of these beauties on the ground.


  1. Thanks for doing this. Great photos. Cheers. Carole

  2. Sorry we could not be there. Photos look great. We picked up a lovely booklet about Scott creek at the Lions bookshed in Stirling. It is $15 but well worth the money! I don't know if it is available elsewhere. On line probably. Beautiful photos including orchids
