We pumped up the tyres again on the other side of the sandhills and ate breakfast as we waited for this to happen.
Then we headed on towards the west.
Morning tea was in a rubbish strewn roadside stop just East of Cocklebiddy, where we boiled the billy and ate toast.
We had bacon and egg sandwiches at Balladonia just before midday (now on Perth time) . Lots of people seemed to be on social media on their phones but we had no signal at all.
We deviated in Norseman to do the final stage of the Woodlands trail (which we started with Joc 3 years ago) and picked up the notes for this also - so that next time we have really good reading material quality.
The surface of the trail was the tiny marbles of rock that are deadly to walk on - that made it a challenge.
Great coloured rocks at the parking spot for the woodlands walk.
We had a hot shower in Norseman (buy a token at the tourist centre) and headed onwards. We chose to take the road towards Kalgoorlie.
After trying to find the road to the Burra Rock campsite we gave up in frustration with our GPS (It would not follow the road which was clearly on the map) . We changed tack and pulled in a little side track into the bush about half way between Norseman and Coolgardie. We found ourselves on the salty shore of Lake Lefroy for the night. It was 5pm.
Although we were fairly close still to the road, we weren't worried by the traffic noise.